• World's End and the Sea Angle

    Graduate students David, a white man, and Emily, a student from China fall in love with each other on campus of University of Colorado at Boulder. They are fascinated by sprawling topics likes the universe, the world, and human beings.When David is caught by a tornado on the Kansas plains he is carried to a time-space tunnel which he traverses along. Stranded in East Africa during the Stone Age, David experiences primitive life and strange romantic adventures.


    Emily watches with the advice of the Heavenly Wise Man and learns about the vast variety of human life. David and Emily fall accidently into a time-space tunnel in Bermuda Triangle and traverse to the future world.


    They enjoy the perfection of the future society. There they have some fantastic experiences. Finally they witness the tragedy of the World End. By chance they return to the present world by reverse crossings. David and Emily reunite and explore the cosmos together. They make new discoveries and create new theories about the world and the universe.


    David and Emily die in a possible world nuclear war which is widely wished not to happen.

    It is a book for both adult and child readers.


    David and Emily receive a gift from God for their extraordinary insights and personal merits. That is a Divine Watch with a Magic Spell, with which they can arrive at any destination and era instantly, they can also change their figures to different sizes.


    David and Emily travel to ten stars in a parallel universe with their artifact. They witness and experience ten different worlds in those wonderful stars. Those are the Dinosaur World, the Insect World, the Jungle World, the Water World, the Bird World, the Human World, the Gluttonous World, the Demon World, the Fool World, and the Intelligent World.


    David and Emily have interesting adventure stories in each star. When they are back at home, they tell their stories to their son Oliver and daughter Sophia, who go on with their adventures with a renewed Divine Watch and Magic Spell to explore more mysteries in the universe.


    The protagonist has extraordinary memories - from the baby in the mother's womb before birth to the ghost in Hades after death. The protagonist has reincarnated three times, being a cat before reincarnated into a human,


    a wise and beautiful lady of the upper class in the 1st human life. A righteous young man from a poor peasant family in the 2nd human life and a young professor of artistic temperament and a promising writer who writes the current book in the 3rd human life.


    The protagonist's three lives cover the Republic of China before 1949, the PRC after 1949, and the US in the current decade respectively. This book records the writer's personal experience and love affairs as a human being in three different lifetimes, and the folk stories she (or he) experiences, hears and witnesses in different lands and eras.


    Some characters in the writer's different lifetimes interact, creating amazing and dramatic plots from time to time.